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Our Missions

As American Baptists, we serve as the hands and feet of Christ. We’re doing what we can to heal a hurting world. This means feeding the hungry; empowering pastors, lay leaders & youth to spread Christ’s love; protecting the environment; promoting Christian unity and more.


One Great Hour of Sharing

This is a world-wide mission of American Baptist Churches in conjunction with many other denominations. It reacts to the needs of people who suffer the effects of disaster, conflict or severe economic hardship. Projects are underway in more than one hundred countries including the U.S. and Canada. While specific allocations differ in each denomination, all use their One Great Hour of Sharing funds to make possible disaster relief, refugee assistance, development aid and more. From the beginning in 1950, it has been an ecumenical effort with up to twenty-nine participating communions. From 1990 receipts have exceeded twenty million annually. OGHS makes a difference in the lives of real people and will continue to respond to critical needs where needed. Our church takes a OGHS offering every year.

David's House

Every Sunday our school children pass baskets for people’s loose change. Money collected is matched by the church and sent to David’s House. David’s House is a home-away-from-home for families who have children from newborn to 18 years receiving care at the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH. Because of the support of churches like ours, David’s House is able to provide support for nearly one thousand families every year without ever charging any fees. It is the donations which help defray the actual cost of providing a family with a room overnight, or $75. Guests are never expected to contribute. Our Sunday School has been raising up to $800 every year which is matched by the church.


The Open Door

The Open Door is a local food shelf and used clothing mart. It gives out food on a regular basis to families in need and has many other items available for little or no cost. Our church, along with all the churches in Danville, contributes regularly to the Open Door. Our Sunday School has regular fund raising events and a number of our special services during the year, such as Thanksgiving, Advent and Lenten services direct their offerings to the Open Door. The Open Door gives out special food around Thanksgiving and Christmas. It serves up to one hundred people and families every month.

America for Christ

This is one of the two annual ABS offerings in response to the needs of home missions. The money donated goes directly to projects here in the U.S. Some of the efforts supported through “America for Christ” offerings are children in poverty, Chaplaincy programs, student campus ministries, refugee resettlement initiatives, volunteer ministries and neighborhood action programs.


© 2022 North Danville Baptist Church

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